
Major Sponsors

Colac Herald

The Colac Herald release a tri-weekly newspaper via print and online on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays covering all of the local news, sport and weather. Also featuring various classifieds and advertisements.

Reid Stockfeeds

REID Stockfeeds is a proudly family-owned business, delivering trusted feed solutions for nearly 40 years. Built on honesty, value for money and always creating the best quality feed for your healthy livestock.

Australian Lamb

Australian Lamb Company Group (ALC) is renowned for it's superior meat quality and consistency. Selling to Hotels, resorts, restaurants, supermarkets, butchers and exporting to over 70 countries worldwide from two fully licensed facilities located in Sunshine, Melbourne and Colac in south west Victoria.

Junior Sponsorship Program

To promote umpire recruitment, The Colac and District Football Umpires Association (CDFUA) provide a program where all Under 18 umpires uniforms and membership costs are paid for by the following local business’

If you are able to help out the Colac and District Football Umpires Association with sponsorship please send an email to [email protected] or Contact Us